25 January, 2010

I'll be down, I'll be around...

Dinosaur Jr has been one of my favorite bands for as long as I can remember. As a teenager, my friend Julie and I used to drive around in my mom's Saab and listen to "Green Mind" and "Where You Been" over and over and over. Growing up in New England, there's a certain sense of coolness and hometown pride you feel listening to another New England band, even if they live in Massachusetts and you live in Vermont.

One of the things I miss most about living in New York is going to rock shows every week. New York spoils you in that way. There's nothing like stepping into the bathroom at work at the end of a hard day, and transforming out of your responsible work outfit and into a mini skirt and a tube top. Smear on some black eyeliner, meet Rania on the corner for a slice, and you're ready to begin your rock n' roll adventure of a night. New York also offers you the luxury of not having to travel far for rock shows, with the exception of a few places in Williamsburg, or maybe the Siren Fest at Coney Island. I've really missed those things, until something magical happened here in Connecticut...

As a special birthday gift to me, Dinosaur Jr decided to reward me for being a fan for the past 17 years and play a show in my town here in Connecticut. Two nights before the show, I was walking in the "downtown" area of my little town (coming from New York really makes you re-think the word downtown. In New York, downtown is the home of filthy dive bars, falafel stands, and turkish bath houses. Out here, in the suburbs, downtown consists of a big strip of grass, kinda like a park in New York but much cleaner and with no people, surrounded by a few restaurants, an old-timey family pharmacy, a Dunkin' Donuts (of course), and, luckily for me, a rock club). As my boyfriend and I were walking down the street downtown, a single flyer posted to a telephone pole caught my eye. Dinosaur Freakin' Jr! Playing in MY little town!

One thing led to another, and on Friday night I found myself standing outside this little rock club waiting on the line outside in the cold. It was a bit surreal just being around fellow indie rockers and feeling like I was part of a scene for the first time since I moved here. For as long as I can remember, I've always identified myself as "indie rock" so needless to say, moving to a place where that culture is somewhere between hidden and non-existant has been a real challenge for me. Not to say I won't still go to shows in New York, it's just completely different when the spontaneity is removed. I've really missed the loud guitars, singing along to my favorite songs out loud, comparing set lists with fellow indie nerds. I've missed the rush of hearing the first few notes when a band first takes the stage, or hearing that one song you love so much that you've never heard live before. Luckily for me, while I was still standing outside waiting to get in, J Mascis walked out of the club and started wandering around aimlessly right in front of me. It's simultaneously creepy and cool to think that after all these years, I still feel so excited to see my favorite musicians in person. I almost thought I was going to puke just being in his presence, but those are the moments that really remind you that you're still alive.

The show was amazing. For the first time in all the times I've seen Dinosaur Jr, they actually didn't play that loud (I only counted 7 Marshall cabinets this time), the club had $3 beers, and I didn't feel like I was in a cool contest, as I've often felt at shows in New York. They opened with "Thumb," my all-time favorite Dinosaur Jr song, rocked out for a good 75 minutes, and closed with an encore of "The Lung," a close second fave, and The Cure's "Just like Heaven." I went home happy, thankful, revitalized.

As J Mascis would say, whatever's cool with me...

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