19 September, 2011

What I missed

So bummed that I missed this:

15 September, 2011

Carrie finds her voice

Anyone who knows me well knows that if there's one thing I love, it's indie rock. I could not be more excited about the new Wild Flag album that just dropped on Tuesday. Wild Flag is a "supergroup" (I don't really like that term, but I do think they're super, so I'll use it in this instance only), featuring Carrie Brownstein and Janet Weiss (ex-Sleater Kinney), Mary Timony (ex-Helium), and some girl named Rebecca Cole, who I've never heard of before. I've been an S-K fan for years; I've probably seen them live about 25 times, and I was really crushed when they split up. Now I'm thinking it was a smart move because Wild Flag is kinda like S-K's grown up sister -- musically, the sound is much more rounded, and Carrie Brownstein has really learned how to sing. Check it out.

24 August, 2011

WM3: Free

Truly one of the most amazing true-life stories about humanity. I have followed this story since I was in college and first saw the "Paradise Lost" documentary, and I'm honestly stunned at how it turned out. I've always believed the WM3 were innocent but I never thought we'd actually see them released. To learn more about this case, visit www.wm3.org

08 May, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I can't think of a better way to celebrate today than with a little Danzig. And for those of you who need a little reminder of how important your mom really is, Mr. T has a little something to tell you..

What's with the short shorts?

25 April, 2011


Hi! Happy Spring! I know it's been a while since I've been here.

I have to say I miss singing. When I was little I would sing all the time and annoy the neighbors, or whoever I was in the car with. I guess I had to tone it down as I got older.

I love this video of Stevie Nicks singing while she gets her make-up done backstage years ago.

So heartwarming.

17 April, 2011

Happy Earth Week!

It's the beginning of Earth Week, and what better way to kick if off than with the cutest video ever? This little pug amazes me...

Maybe by next year, I will have trained Maxine to recycle...

11 April, 2011

Girl Money

Spring is here and glam rock is in the air. I usually don't have a second of free time EVER, but this weekend I decided to make a little time for myself. Myself, my partner, and a little glam rock, to be more specific.

When I was in junior high, I used to listen to this glam band from Baltimore called Kix. They had a rock ballad "Don't Close Your Eyes" that gained some recognition, but overall they never really made it big, and I never really understood why. They were the underdogs of the glam rock scene for a long time, and then, as we all know...glam rock died and grunge took over.

The good news? Kix is still together after all these years and they seriously, seriously rock. They put on an amazing show on Saturday. Grab your mini skirt and your aqua net and have some fun...

30 March, 2011

Happy Birthday, Maxine!

Wishing my little puggle a very happy 4th birthday today. This dog has been through it all with me, from the East Village to Williamsburg to the beach house to our new home in the woods. I like to think of Max as being my all-natural anti-depression, anti-anxiety drug. She rules. Happy Birthday, pooch!

26 March, 2011

Rich Bitch

Somewhere between fantasy and nightmare...

22 March, 2011


Thanks to Rania for sending me this clip in an email today. It makes me happy to see that Carrie Brownstein is up to something again, and (of course) this shit makes me laugh, hard.

Everything in this video could also be applied to Antioch, the beautiful, wonderful, mysterious college where Rania and I met. It's so funny because it's so true...

20 March, 2011

What's on the stereo today?

Yesterday I drove to Boston by myself. To kill the boredom, I dug out some old CDs to listen to on the drive. One in particular stood out to me: The Poppy Family. Back in the day, I used to work for MTV Networks, and one of the sound engineers that I frequently worked with made a CD of some Poppy Family songs for me. He said he imagined that this was the kind of music I listened to. I had no idea how he knew. Do I look like I listen to creepy '70's music? Maybe so...